Monday, June 30, 2014

Memory and Deep Brain Stimulation

Scientists performing experimental brain surgery on a man aged 50 have stumbled across a mechanism that could unlock how memory works.

The accidental breakthrough came during an experiment originally intended to suppress the obese man’s appetite, using the increasingly successful technique of deep-brain stimulation. Electrodes were pushed into the man’s brain and stimulated with an electric current. Instead of losing appetite, the patient instead had an intense experience of déjà vu. He recalled, in intricate detail, a scene from 30 years earlier. More tests showed his ability to learn was dramatically improved when the current was switched on and his brain stimulated.

Scientists are now applying the technique in the first trial of the treatment in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. If successful, it could offer hope to sufferers from the degenerative condition, which affects 450,000 people in Britain alone, by providing a “pacemaker” for the brain.


There are mystical traditions that say every man has his star in the heavens to which he is linked.Paracelsus the great physician said we are all minatures of some starry system.
Teleportation is the most dramatic application we can imagine of the phenomenon
of entaglement
 A single particle`s quantum state was teleported to a second particle.
In thinking of the future, man will be able to teleport  his physical form by the year 2045

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Quantum entanglement-and sustained focus

It just may be that sustained focus for a period of time-in excess of 12 seconds on an object may cause  that event to be recorded(non-locally) in that object`s quantum hologram.
A classic example of this are the exercises given in the ancient texts of India-the
Siva Sutras, Spanda-Karikas and the Vijanabhairava.

Quantum Physics and Entaglement-why we are not alone

Quantum Theory was born in the year 1900 and is attributed to Max Plank. Einstein and other physicists raised questions about entanglement35 years later.
A phenomenon in which two entities are inexorably linked no matter how far away they are from each other.Photons,Neutrons,Molecules,DNA,Brains, Species,instincts,Ideas,Ancient Wisdom,Seasons,Birds,Dog and Master. Heart transplants-the receiver begins to aquire the qualities of the donor.

I think that the passing on of hereditary  equipment through reproduction is possibly
reinforced by the entanglement of particles that have their origins in both parents and their children,its clearly possible that the science of epi-genetics may be explained through entanglement