Friday, July 4, 2014

Nicholas Roerich and Entanglement

It is said that the Russian Artist Nicholas Roerich painted and wrote with the understanding that when  reading his works or seeing his paintings, links with higher worlds via Entanglement ensues. He was able to draw upon strength and  inspiration
from others (alive or dead) conjoined by Entanglement
His 1919 work `St Mercury of Smolensk` was done in this vein. It was painted to evoke the virtues of heroism,devotion and  service to mankind as shown by the patron Saint of Smolensk in his sacrificial acts of service.
St Mercury of Smolensk- N Roerich 1919

Art and Quantum Entanglement

Great artists via Entanglement allow us to experience the essence of the painting they have created  even after  many years have passed since painting the picture.
A constant flow of of non-being into being, potential into the actual.
A quantum hologram from the artist`s brain becomes what we see on the canvas, and we therfore  experience the emotions and thoughts of the artist as he painted the picture over time.  Qauntum Entanglement ensures this experience.
Tibetan Monastery Nicholas Roerich

Evoulutionary Biology, Medicine,Psychology

It has been said by some that evolution has been the greatest concept that ever was and is the main proposition of science.

It has been linked to the planet`s main emerging disciplines, to quote
evolutionary biology,evolutionary medicine,evolutionary psychology but it it has its main thrust of evolution through ENTANGLEMENT

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Religions,Initiation and Quantum Entanglement

Religious Movements, mostly unknown to themselves persue entanglements with their
Buddha,Christ,Mohammad, and even with their antecedents and prodigies.

It is possible therfore to consider initiation with  beings higher than man, ressurected saints,initiates  is by entanglement on this planet and in other galaxies