Friday, July 16, 2010


We use our hands.......
to treat the Whole patient
to listen to the indwelling movements of Life
to treat all levels of illness
to assist in building the patient`s functional reserve
to support homeostasis and trophicity by balancing the activity of the Autonomic Nerves
to explore ``laws not framed by human hands``(Dr Sutherland)
to cooperate and communicate with the Laws of Nature(Dr Wales)
to find the Health(Dr Still)
to find the treatment plan
to find the diagnosis
to help establish a point of Rest or Neutral around which the Whole can come to balance

We Believe........
that we have the innate capacity to heal
that the body functions as a whole
that the autonomic nervous system plays a major role in disease and healing
that structure and function are one form of activity
the the Divine is indwelling
the Life moves beyond death
that there is a constant movement towards normal
that we are hear to serve Humanity
Skill is proportionate to one`s understanding
( Dr James Jelous DO)

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